Do you want to develop an adult dating app but are unfamiliar with its development cost? If yes, you are at the right place. This blog will give you complete knowledge and guidance about adult dating app development cost. 

In the current digital era, the advent of online dating has led to a sharp increase in the demand for dating app development. Users’ need for creative and easy-to-use dating apps is increasing exponentially as more people look for love and companionship online. 

With a projected valuation of USD 7.55 billion in 2021, the global market for online dating applications is anticipated to expand at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 12.65% over the same period. This data highlights an immense opportunity and profitability that can be attained by investing in developing a well-crafted and successful dating app.

So, if you plan to develop an adult dating app, read this blog. It will explore the adult dating app development cost, factors impacting the cost, and strategies for reducing the cost.

What Is An Adult Dating App?

An adult dating app is a mobile application designed for individuals looking for intimate or casual encounters. Dating apps allow users to create profiles, browse through potential matches, and communicate with other interested people. Such an app often includes features such as messaging, location-based searching, and photo sharing to facilitate a connection between consenting adults who want short-term interaction or hookups.  

Hence, this increasing demand demonstrates how it can be beneficial for businesses to develop an adult dating app. To convert this app development idea into reality, it would be better for you to get the help of an adult dating app development company for a better outcome and to stand out.

How Much Does It Cost To Build An Adult Dating App?

Are you curious about the adult dating app development cost in usa? Well, it’s not enough to have an excellent idea. The actual development of an adult app requires time and money. Developing an adult app from scratch requires much time and effort and can be costly. The cost to develop an adult dating app depends on a few factors. It includes how complex you want the adult app to be, the app development company or developers you hire to create it, and any additional features you want to add.  

The average adult dating app development cost can be anywhere from $9500 to $25000. The expenses include everything required to develop the app, like the app design, code writing, several tests, and launching it. Hence, the complexity of all these factors fluctuates the adult dating app cost estimate. For a clear understanding, look at the table below:

Based On Complexity

Estimated Cost

Simple App

$9500 – $17000

Moderately to Complex App

$17000 – $22000

High-end (highly) Complex App


The table above will help you estimate the cost of developing adult dating app. Still, if you want to know more about the cost, hire an
adult dating app development company  that can plan everything well is an excellent decision. The professional will give you exact information about the adult dating app development cost. Moreover, you can also ask the mobile app development company to reduce the cost and develop the app within your budget.

Adult Dating App Development Cost

Top 5 Factors Affecting the Adult Dating App Development Cost

Now that you may have decided to develop an app like OnlyFans remember that numerous factors impact the overall cost to build an adult dating app. Here is a list of some of the most cost-influencing factors:

  • Design And User Experience 
  • Functionalities And Features 
  • Tech Stack 
  • App’s Development Platforms
  • Post Deployment Maintenance And Updates

1. Design And User Experience 

It’s another critical factor impacting the adult dating app development cost. As apps must be visually appealing and user-friendly for a seamless user experience, you must hire an adult webcam website development company or experts. Hence, it will add to the overall adult dating app development cost. 

2. Functionalities And Features 

The number and complexity of features majorly determine the adult dating app development cost. Features like in-app purchase, swiping, social media integration, and real-time texting will increase the price. Depending on the scope and extent of the project, the adult dating app development cost can differ significantly.

3. Tech Stack 

The tech stack used in developing an adult dating app might vary based on the application’s features, complexity, and platforms (Android, iOS, or both). Hence, you have to collaborate with an adult entertainment app development company to provide a comprehensive analysis based on your project’s specific requirements and tech stack choices. 

4. App’s Development Platforms

The adult dating app development cost depends heavily on the platforms for which you are going to develop it. You can choose whether you want your dating app to run on different platforms or just one (like Android or iOS). If you design a cross-platform app, it will be less costly than a native program for different platforms.

5. Post Deployment Maintenance And Updates 

Last, the adult dating application development cost  also includes post-deployment updates and maintenance. With a growing business, you may need to scale up your dating app and add new features. Therefore, ask your adult website development team for help in this area, adding additional costs. 

How To Reduce the Adult Dating App Development Cost?

Building a successful adult dating app can be exciting. However, keeping the app development cost low is also critical. Hence, here are some ways to reduce the cost of making adult dating apps

  • Prioritize Features 
  • Outsource Strategically 
  • Design With Efficiency
  • MVP First
  • Test Through

1. Prioritize Features 

Identify mandatory features for user experience, such as matching and messaging, and reserve advanced features for later. This will help you reduce the adult dating app development cost.

2. Outsource Strategically 

Hiring a full-in-house development team will increase the cost to create an adult dating app. Hence, it would help if you explored outsourcing specific tasks or regions with lower cost to build adult dating apps. 

3. Design With Efficiency

Focusing on a user-friendly interface would help minimize development complexity. A simple layout can significantly reduce the cost to develop an adult entertainment mobile app.

4. MVP First

You should build a minimal viable product (MVP) with critical functionalities. It will allow you to validate your dating app with real users before investing heavily in additional features. 

5. Test Through 

A rigorous testing throughout app development assists in identifying and fixing bush early on. Hence, it prevents costs by avoiding rework later in the process. 

How To Monetize Adult Dating Apps?

App monetization is a process through which businesses or investors generate revenue from their developed mobile apps if you want to develop an app like Ashley Madison,  consider the following strategy to monetize your app:

  • Advertising 
  • Subscription
  • In-app Purchase 
  • Sponsored Profiles 
  • Affiliate Marketing

1. Advertising 

It’s one of the popular app monetization strategies, where adult hookup apps users see ads when using the application. These include video ads, banner ads, text ads.

2. Subscription

It’s a popular monetization strategy. In this strategy, users enjoy features for free. However, to access premium features, they have to pay a monthly or annual cost.

3. In-app Purchase 

Here, users can buy features like boosting their profile for a limited time or sending virtual gifts to potential matches. 

4. Sponsored Profiles 

It allows businesses to create sponsored profiles. Users can view these profiles, and businesses can earn reviews from sponsors. 

Adult Dating App Development Cost

5. Affiliate Marketing 

By collaborating with affiliate marketing programs to promote services or products related to dating, businesses can earn a commission for each successful sale referral. 


Nowadays, adult dating apps are gaining much popularity amongst millennials daily, making investing in such a lucrative market profitable. However, it is suggested that you do not develop a clone dating application; instead, you must work on some unique features. 

Hence, if you’re interested in creating an adult dating app, a question comes to your mind: “How much does it cost to develop adult dating app”? No worries, you should consult with an app development company. AdultWebDevelopment is one of the leading adult sexting website development companies. With diligent market research, the company understands the trends and can deliver the best.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. What Is The Cost To Develop An Adult Dating App Like OnlyFans?

If you want to develop an app like OnlyFans, you can consider $9500 to $25000 as an average app development cost. However, the cost is not fixed, it can be changed as per your project’s requirements.

Q2. How Much Time Will It Take To Develop An Adult Dating App?

The time to develop an adult detailing app can lie between 3 to 10 months. The app development’s time also depends on the app’s complexities. 

Q3. What Are the Best Adult Hookup Apps? 

If you want to know the best adult hookup apps, look here:

  • OkCupid
  • Match
  • Grindr
  • Plenty of Fish
  • AdultFriendFinder

Q4. What Are the Benefits Of An Adult Dating App Development?

Look at some of the benefit, business can enjoy by developing an adult dating app:

  • Revenue generation via premium subscription
  • Building brand recognition and loyalty in the market
  • Advertising opportunities for related services
  • Monetization through in-app purchase or features
  • Increase user base with a global reach